Competition Management OFFICE

Eliminates barriers to competition ensuring that competition is planned early-on in the acquisition process; validating documentation that specifies sole source/limited source procurements; and by developing programs to expand the industrial base to develop, acquire, field and sustain aviation and missile systems. For more information, email


OFFICE of Small Business Programs

The Office of Small Business Programs Delivers Army Readiness by maximizing opportunities for small businesses. For more information, email



Serves as the personal representative of the commanding general and independent senior government official responsible for receiving and acting upon inquiries and complaints concerning AMCOM, which are brought to his attention by industry, the private sector, or internal government sources. Assists individuals and industry in resolving issues with the acquisition process. For more information, email






The AMCOM Corrosion Program Office provides sustainment support for any project, from "cradle to grave.” The CPO has the ability to devise and help implement a coherent corrosion prevention and control plan, ensuring the use of the most up-to-date materials and process information. Once the plan is implemented, CPO personnel can provide training for maintenance personnel, ensuring that all personnel have the knowledge necessary to provide sustainment. The non-destructive testing center of excellence team serves as the authority within army aviation, providing technical support and training to smoothly integrate advanced NDT methodologies. For more information, email