When Department of Army employees apply for loans, new positions, or other processes that require approval, they are often required to provide employment verification. Employment verification for Department of Army Civilian employees is an auto-generated notice of employment information and, optionally, salary information and service periods provided to an external organization or person, also known as a recipient.
“All Department of the Army civilian employees have access to MyBiz+ site where employees are able to generate verification notices directly to a third-party requester via email,” said Carlen Chestang, Aviation and Missile Command G-1 director. “The recipient and the employee will both receive a password-protected attachment, and only the employee receives the password in a separate email. Then the employee must provide the password to the recipient.”
Chestang went on to state that the verification process can only be done through the employee’s MyBiz+ account. “Neither AMCOM G-1 nor [Civilian Human Resources Agency] staff is authorized to release employee verification information,” said Chestang.
The process to provide the verification is instant, as long as employees follow the directions outlined. The step-by-step instructions on how to obtain employment verification can be found on the AMCOM SharePoint page, https://armyeitaas.sharepoint-mil.us/sites/AMCOM-G1/SitePages/HR_Employment_Verification.aspx