WEBVTT 00:20.840 --> 00:22.951 All right , well , hey , thank you so 00:22.951 --> 00:24.951 much for all of you that have stuck 00:24.951 --> 00:24.950 around with us . And I definitely want 00:24.950 --> 00:27.140 to say thanks to Mr Jesse Barber , the 00:27.140 --> 00:30.640 Great Army Material Command ombudsman . 00:30.650 --> 00:32.761 Now , I think when they tell you that 00:32.761 --> 00:34.483 you gotta have a conference or 00:34.483 --> 00:36.650 something like that , a presentation , 00:36.650 --> 00:38.872 you start off with a bang , right ? And 00:38.872 --> 00:38.750 you want a heavy hitter at the end , Mr 00:38.750 --> 00:41.130 Barber is exactly that man . Uh to be 00:41.130 --> 00:43.186 able to do that and we do that for a 00:43.186 --> 00:45.186 reason , right ? Because we want to 00:45.186 --> 00:47.408 make sure that you as industry know how 00:47.408 --> 00:49.408 valued you are , but also make sure 00:49.408 --> 00:51.519 that you know the other possibilities 00:51.519 --> 00:53.574 that are out there . The other A PBS 00:53.574 --> 00:55.463 the other commands inside of Army 00:55.463 --> 00:57.686 Material Command are going to have here 00:57.686 --> 00:59.908 in the future . What those dates are as 00:59.908 --> 01:02.130 you got an idea about when and where to 01:02.130 --> 01:04.297 look . We hope that here over the last 01:04.297 --> 01:06.408 several days that you have noticed it 01:06.408 --> 01:08.574 is not just an am calm thing . Right ? 01:08.574 --> 01:11.000 This is a team Redstone thing we have 01:11.000 --> 01:12.890 brought to you . Not only the 01:12.900 --> 01:15.230 opportunities are available within Army 01:15.230 --> 01:17.210 Material command here and a team 01:17.220 --> 01:20.060 Redstone Redstone arsenal , but also 01:20.060 --> 01:22.171 the other great partners that we have 01:22.171 --> 01:24.040 in Nasa , the FBI , the Corps of 01:24.040 --> 01:26.370 Engineers , you name it . It is all one 01:26.370 --> 01:29.690 piece . Finally , as mr Lampkin said , 01:29.690 --> 01:31.801 hey , we want to make this as good as 01:31.801 --> 01:33.870 possible for you . We value what you 01:33.870 --> 01:36.092 bring to the table . We definitely need 01:36.092 --> 01:38.203 your partnership as we move forward . 01:38.203 --> 01:40.180 And so consequently , if we do not 01:40.180 --> 01:42.402 answer your question again , please get 01:42.402 --> 01:44.347 it to us . Doesn't matter what the 01:44.347 --> 01:46.458 question is , will get into the right 01:46.458 --> 01:48.513 person and we'll get you that answer 01:48.513 --> 01:50.513 back second . If we did not scratch 01:50.513 --> 01:52.624 your itch , maybe there was something 01:52.624 --> 01:54.847 that you would have rather have seen or 01:54.847 --> 01:53.880 a different way of presenting the 01:53.880 --> 01:56.047 information . Hey , take that survey , 01:56.047 --> 01:58.047 Let us know what it is or heck just 01:58.047 --> 02:00.102 give us a call and give me a call as 02:00.102 --> 02:02.213 well and we're glad to take that . We 02:02.213 --> 02:04.158 want to make this the best as most 02:04.158 --> 02:06.420 possible effective and transparent 02:06.420 --> 02:08.031 session that there is and so 02:08.031 --> 02:09.976 consequently we're here to make it 02:09.976 --> 02:11.753 valuable to you as our industry 02:11.753 --> 02:13.976 partners . That effective communication 02:13.976 --> 02:16.198 is really what's going to carry the day 02:16.198 --> 02:18.253 for us in the end . And then finally 02:18.253 --> 02:20.253 before taking to see if there's any 02:20.253 --> 02:22.476 last minute questions , I'll just offer 02:22.476 --> 02:24.587 to you a reminder of why we do this . 02:24.587 --> 02:26.642 It's a young man or woman that's out 02:26.642 --> 02:28.753 there on point somewhere in the world 02:28.753 --> 02:30.920 that is answer the nation's call . Our 02:30.920 --> 02:33.142 collective efforts is air to enable her 02:33.142 --> 02:35.309 or him to be able to make sure that we 02:35.309 --> 02:37.531 are doing what the nation asked them to 02:37.531 --> 02:39.753 do . And so I'd ask all of us to remind 02:39.753 --> 02:41.976 that we definitely want to say thanks A 02:41.976 --> 02:43.976 pause from it to see if there's any 02:43.976 --> 02:46.198 questions doesn't seem like it . So Hey 02:46.198 --> 02:48.198 again , thank you so much . We look 02:48.198 --> 02:50.198 forward to seeing you not only next 02:50.198 --> 02:52.309 year at this time but also throughout 02:52.309 --> 02:54.587 the course of the year , appreciate it . 02:54.587 --> 02:55.060 Army strong . Cool .